
(Showing 91 – 113 products of 113 products)

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Great Stories in Easy English – Swiss Family Robinson


Swiss Family Robinson is a novel published in 1812 by Johann David Weiss. It revolves around a family stranded on an island after a ship carrying a Swiss family sailor sails to Port Jackson, Australia. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed from this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Robinson Crusoe


Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe. The first edition was published in April 1719. Robinson Crusoe was also the author of the first book. Because of this, many people believed that this book was written by a real person who got lost on an island. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Pride & Prejudice


Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen. This was first published in 1813. This book describes the emotional development of a woman named Elizabeth Bennett. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book, the questions posed by this story and the exercises that are useful for further language development are included.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Oliver Twist


Oliver Twist is the second book published by the English author Charles Dickens. It was first published as a series of books 1837-39. The story revolves around an orphan named Oliver Twist. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Little Woman


Little Women is a two-volume novel published in 1868 and 1869. Alcott wrote the book at the request of her publisher. It includes the life stories of four sisters, Meg, Joe, Beth and Amy March. The stories of Louisa, the author, and her sisters are said to have contributed to this work. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed from this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Jane Eyre


Jane Ayre is an orphan. She is adopted by her evil, wealthy aunt, Mrs. Reed. She gets some love and kindness from Bessie, the housemaid. This book reflects her journey from an orphaned girl to a higher standard of living. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Great Expectations


Great Expectations is the thirteenth novel by Charles Dickens. The novel reflects the life of an orphan named Pip. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature-loving readers as well as for those who study English literature. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development. .

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Great Stories in Easy English – David Copperfield


David Copperfield is the eighth novel by Charles Dickens. The novel contains the personal history, adventures and comments of a young man named David Copperfield. This is also considered to be Dickens’ hidden biography. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature-loving readers as well as for those who study English literature. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Around the World in Eighty Days


Around the World in Eighty Days is a classic novel published in 1873 by the French author Jules Verne. In the story, Phyllis Fogg of London embarks on a world tour with just 20,000 pounds in 80 days. This is one of Verne’s most famous works. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature-loving readers as well as for those who study English literature. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development. .

Great Stories in Easy English – The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a novel by American author Mark Twain. Considered one of the greatest American novels of all time, it is also the first work to be written entirely in American English. Huckleberry Finn is mentioned as Tom’s Friend in another of Mark Twain’s famous novels, Tom Sawyer. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – A Tale of Two Cities


A Tale of Two Cities is a 1859 novel by Charles Dickens set in London and Paris during the French Revolution and earlier. (1859). It tells the story of Mane Bastille, a French physician who spent 18 years as a prisoner and the first time he met his daughter, whom he had never met. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature-loving readers as well as for those who study English literature. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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Great Stories in Easy English – Kidnapped


Written by Scottish writer Robert Louis Stevenson, it can be described as a novel built around several real events that took place in Scotland in the 18th century. Most of the people shown here were real people at the time. This book helps to better understand the social and political environment of this period. This book, which is available to you as a concise edition, is important for English literature lovers as well as English literature students. It should be noted that at the end of each book there are questions posed by this story and exercises that are useful for further language development.

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ඩේවිඩ් කොපර්ෆිල්ඩ්


සුපතල ලේඛක චාල්ස් ඩිකන්ස් විසින් රචිත විශිෂ්ඨතම කෘතිවලින් එකක් ලෙස මෙය සැලකේ. බොහෝ විචාරකයන් පවසන්නේ මෙහි බහුලව අඩංගුව ඇත්තේ මෙම ලේඛකයා පෞද්ගලිකව ලද අත්දැකීම් බවයි. එබැවින් මෙය ඔහුගේ ජීවිත කතාවේ එක් පැතිකඩක් ලෙසින් ද සඳහන් කළ හැකිය.

ජේන් අයර්


‘ජේන් අයර්’ යනු ඉංග්‍රීසි ජාතික ලේඛිකාවක වූ චාලට් බ්‍රොන්ටේ විසින් ‘කියුරර් බෙල්’ යන අනවර්ත නාමය යටතේ 1847 වසරේ දී ලියන ලද නවකතාවකි. සැබෑ වික්ටෝරියානු සමාජය නිරූපණය කෙරෙන මෙහි ඇත්තේ කාන්තාවකගේ ඇතුලාන්ත සිතුම් පැතුම්, සිය අභිලාෂයන් මුදුන්පත් කරගැනීම සඳහා කාන්තාවක් සිදුකරනා අරගලයන් ආදී කාරණාවන්ය. උත්තම පුරුෂ ශෛලියෙන් ලියා ඇති නිසා මෙයින් පවසන්නට අදහස් කරන දෑ මනාව අවබෝධ වෙයි. මෙහි ප්‍රධාන චරිතය වන ජේන් අනාථ දැරියක් බව පෙන්වා දෙමින් නවකතාව ආරම්භ වෙයි. වයසින් වැඩෙත්ම කාන්තාවකට අවශ්‍ය ආත්ම විශ්වාසය ඇය තුළ ගොඩ නැගෙන ආකාරය දකින්නට හැකිය. සමාජය තුළ බාධක, දුක් කම්කටොලු බිඳලමින් ඉදිරියට ගමන් කරන්නට රිසි ඕනෑම කාන්තාවකට ගැලපෙන ධනාත්මක නවකතාවක් ලෙස ජේන් අයර් කෘතිය හඳුන්වා දිය හැකිය.

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සොඳුරු ප්‍රජාපතී.


මෙහෙණි සසුනට දොර විවර කළ මහා ප්‍රජාපතී ගෝතමී මහ රහතුන් වහන්සේගේ චරිතය අළලා ලියැවුණු කෘතියකි.

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ටී.බී. ඉලංගරත්න සූරීන් විසින් ලියන ලද ‘සසර’ නවකතාව තුළින් අනුන්ගේ යහපත උදෙසා පරාර්ථකාමීව කාලය යොදවූ ස්වකීය සමාජ දර්ශනය පිළිබිඹු කිරීමට කතුවරය උත්සාහ කරයි.

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වැනිසියේ වෙළෙන්දා


සුප්‍රකට බටහිර ලේඛකයකු වූ විලියම් ශේක්ස්පියර් විසින් සම්පාදිත කෘතියක සිංහල පරිවර්තනය මෙසේ ‘වැනිසියේ වෙළෙන්දා’ නමින් ප්‍රකාශයට පත් ව තිබේ. මේ ඇසුරින් විවිධ නාට්‍ය සහ චිත්‍රපට ද නිර්මාණය වී තිබේ.

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නල දමයන්ති


නල දමයන්ති කතා පුවත පුරාණ ගද්‍ය සාහිත්‍යයෙහි ප්‍රකට කතන්දරයකි. සම්භාව්‍ය ග්‍රන්ථ පරිශීලනය සඳහා දරුවන්ට ඉඟිකිරීම ඉතා වැදගත් වේ. නල – දමයන්ති වෘත්තාන්තය ළමා ලෝකයට සරිලන පරිදි ඉදිරිපත් කොට තිබේ.

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අඹ යහළුවෝ


ට්.බ්.ඉලංගරත්න සූරින්ගේ නවකතා සමුහය අතරින් අඹ යහළුවො ලබාගෙන අත්තේ සුවශේෂ ස්තනයකි.කන්ද උඩරට පිටිසරබද සුන්දර ගම්මානයකදී අඹ යහළුවො එකිනෙකා හමුවෙති. ඒ සුනිල් හා නිමල්ය. දුප්පත් – පොහොසත් පවුල් දෙකක ඉපෙදුණු මේ දෙදරුවන් කේන්ද්‍ර කොට ගෙන මෙම කතාව ගලා යයි. පාසල් වියෙහි පසු වන ඔහුන්ගේ අශාවන්, දගකාරකම් හා කෙළි කවට සිනහවෙන් එය පිරි ඇත.පවුල් පසුබ්ම මගින් වෙනස් වුවද දරුවන් ගේ සිත් කදුකරයේ ගලා යන සිහිල් දිය කදුරක් වැන්න.එය නොකිලිටිය. බොහො දෙනාගේ ප්‍රයොඡනය පිණිස පවති. උඩරට ගැමි ඡිවිතය හා විශ්වාසය පිළිබදව ද කියැවෙන මෙහි බස සරල ය. සන්වාද පිරිපුන් ය.

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Tess Of The D`Urbervilles (Penguin Classics)


When tess durbeyfield is driven by family poverty to claim kinship with the wealthy d’urbervilles and seek a portion of their family fortune, meeting her ‘cousin’ alec proves to be her downfall. A very different man, angel clare, seems to offer her love and salvation, but tess must choose whether to reveal her past or remain silent in the hope of a peaceful future.

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Pride And Prejudice (Penguin Classics)


Few have failed to be charmed by the witty and independent spirit of elizabeth bennet in austen’s beloved classic pride and prejudice. When elizabeth bennet first meets eligible bachelor fitzwilliam darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend bingley and her beloved sister jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever.

Great Expectations (Penguin Classics)


Charles dickens’s great expectations charts the course of orphan pip pirrip’s life as it is transformed by a vast, mysterious inheritance. A terrifying encounter with the escaped convict abel magwitch in a graveyard on the wild kent marshes; a summons to meet the bitter, decrepit miss havisham and her beautiful, cold-hearted ward estella at satis house

Jane Eyre (Penguin Classics)


A novel of intense power and intrigue, jane eyre has dazzled generations of readers with its depiction of a woman’s quest for freedom. Having grown up an orphan in the home of her cruel aunt and at a harsh charity school, jane eyre becomes an independent and spirited survivor-quality that serves her well as governess at thornfield hall. But when she finds love with her sardonic employer, rochester, the discovery of his terrible secret forces her to make a choice

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