What makes great leaders like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk extraordinary? All In shows leaders and aspiring leaders how obsession can fuel the most incredible success, but also take a toll on a leader, his or her family and work colleagues. Groundbreaking leaders share a passionate commitment to achieving their vision that borders and sometimes crosses the line into obsession. All In shows how obsession, if properly focused and managed, is both necessary and productive. Advances in any endeavor almost always depend on a small group of individuals who are completely consumed by the goal theyre pursuing. When these leaders and their teams are successful, everyone benefits from their singular focus and relentless drive.
All In : How Obsessive Leaders Achieve The Extraordinary
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සූර සරදියෙල්
වීර චරිතයක් ලෙසින් බොහෝ දෙනා හඳුනන සරදියෙල්, ඉතිහාසයේ සඳහන් වන්නේ දුප්පතුන්ගේ හිතවතකු වූ මානවහිතවාදියකු ලෙසයි. සමාජ අසාධරණය වෙනුවෙන් හුදෙකලාව සටන් වැද ඉංග්රීසින්ගේ යුගයේ කන්ද උඩරට ජය ගොස නැංවූ උතුවන් කන්දේ සරදියෙල්ගේ ජීවන කතා පුවත මේ කෘතියෙන් ඔබට සමීප කරවයි.
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