Academic & Reference

Academic & Reference

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කතා කරන මහවැව

ලංකා ඉතිහාසයේ එක් එක් කාල වකවානුවල රාජධානි බිඳ වැටෙන විට, ඒ සමඟ ම බිහි ව තිබූ විශාල පරිමාණයේ වාරි කර්මාන්ත ද අභාවයට ගියේය. එහෙත් කුඩා පරිමාණ වාරිමාර්ග පද්ධති සහ කුඩා ගම්මාන එසේ අභාවයට නොගොස් චිරාත් කාලයක් අඛණ්ඩ ව පණනල රැකගෙන ඒමට සමත් විය. එයට ප්‍රධාන හේතුව වූයේ ඒවායේ පරිමාණයේ ඇති සරල බව, සහ එම සරල බවට පදනම් වූ ග්‍රාමීය ජීවන රටාව පරිසරය සමඟ ඇති කරනෙ තිබූ සමෝධානයයි. කතා කරන මහවැව හඬනඟා කියා පෑමට උත්සාහ දරන්නේ වාරි තාක්ෂණය හා බැඳුණු ඒ අපේ ජන ජීවිතයේ අවියෝජනීය සබැඳියාව පිළිබඳ කතන්දරයයි.

බහු අර්ථවත් පද


සිංහලයේ ඇතැම් වචනයකට තේරුම් රැසක්
තිබෙයි. මේවා බහු අර්ථවත් පද ලෙස හැදින්වෙයි.
අඹ කියූ විට එකවර ම අප කාටත් මතක් වෙන්නේ
රසැති අඹ ගෙඩි ය.එහෙත්,ජලය,බිරිද,ඇඹීම හා
ලුහුබැදීම යන අර්ථ ද එයට අදාළ වේ.මේ බහුඅර්ථවත්
පද පිළිබදව ඔබ නිවැරදි අවබෝධයක් නැතිනම් ඇතිවන
අපහසුතාව යළි යළි කියා දිය යුතු නොවේ.බහු අර්ථවත්
පද පිළිබදව දැනුම ලේඛනයේ දී මෙන්ම භාෂණයේ දී
ද අත්‍යවශ්‍ය වේ.මේ පොත එම දැනුම සොයායන්නට අත් උදව්වකි

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මහගම සේකර


ගීත රචකයකු, කාව්‍ය රචකයකු, චිත්‍ර ශිල්පියෙකු, කාටුන් චිත්‍ර ශිල්පියකු, ග්‍රන්ථ පිටකවර නිර්මාණ කරුවෙකු, මුර්ති ශිල්පියකු,නාට්‍ය රචකයකු, තිර නාට්‍ය රචකයකු, පරිවර්තකයෙකු, දාර්ශනිකයෙකු, විචාරකයෙකු, නවෝත්පාදකයෙකු, නවකතා කරුවකු, කෙටිකතා කරුවෙකු,චිත්‍රපටි අධ්‍යක්ෂ කරුවෙකු, ගුරුවරයෙකු,චිත්‍ර පිළිබඳ කථිකාචාර්ය වරයෙකු ලලිත කලායතනයේ විදුහල්පති වරයකු. ප්‍රධාන අධ්‍යාපන නිලධාරිවරයකු වන මහගමසේකර මහතා ක්කෙෂ්ත්‍ර 18 ක ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ නමක් දිනා ගත්තේය.

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ළමා කවි මුතු


කුඩා දරුවන් සදහා වැදගත් වන ජනප්‍රිය ළමා කවි ඇතුළත් ග්‍රන්ථයකි.( ) වසර වල දරුවන් හට

ළමා මනසට උචිත පරිදි නිසි අවබෝධයකින් යුතුව උචිත වස්තු තෝරා ගැනීම තාරකා, මල්, හඳ, රාත්‍රිය, සමනලයා,අලියා,කෝච්චිය,බළලා, ගඟ, රෝසමල, අම්මා, පියා, මව්‍ රට,හාවා ඒ අතර වේ. සරල සුඛනම්‍ය භාෂා රීතියක් තෝරාගැනීම, සිත්ගන්නා සුළු උපමා රූපක භාවිතා කිරීම, ගායනයට සුදුසු ආකෘති හා විරිත් තෝරාගැනීම යන කරුණු ඇතුලත් වේ.

සිටියේ නිතර …….. බුම්මා
අපෙ ලක් දෙරණ….. අම්මා
මුළු ලොවම ……… නම්මා
නිදහස් කිරුළ ……. දැම්මා

වියරණ මිහිර


සිංහල භාෂාවේ පද වර්ග හතරක් තිබේ. ඒවා මේසේ ය.
01 නාමපද 02 ක්‍රියාපද 03 නිපාතපද 04 උපසර්ගපද ලෙස ය.
මෙම පද වර්ග ඇතුලුව බොහෝ කරුණු විස්තරාත්මකව
පැහැදිලි කර ඇති වටිනා කෘතියකි.




මෙරිල් ලියු ලිපි


මෙරිල් පෙරේරා නැමති පුවත්පත්
වේදියා විසින් “දිවයින” පුවත්පතට
ලියන ලද ලිපි පෙළක එකතුවකි.

ලෝක සංවිධාන 3


ලෝක සංවිධාන ග්‍රන්ථයේ තෙවන කොටස වශයෙන් එළි දැක්වෙන මෙම පොත විභාගාපේක්ෂකයන්ට මෙන්ම සාමාන්‍ය දැනුම පිළිබඳව උනන්දුවක් දක්වන්නන් වෙනුවෙන් සහ පාසල් ශිෂ්‍ය ශිෂ්‍යාවන් වෙනුවෙන් රචනා කරන ලද්දකි.

ලෝකයේ සෑම අංශයක් කෙරෙහිම එකසේ බලපාන ජාත්‍යන්තර සංවිධාන පිළිබඳ දැනුමක් ලබා තිබීම සෑම වැසියෙකුගේම ප්‍රයෝජනය සඳහා වැදගත් වේ. ඉඳහිට සඟරාවක පුවත් පතක පළවන කෙටි ලිපියක් හැරෙන්නට මෙම විෂය කෙරෙහි ඇති අවශ්‍යතාව ග්‍රන්ථ හතරකින් සමන්විත ලෝක සංවිධාන ග්‍රන්ථ මාලාවෙන් පිරිමැසේනම් එය මගේ අභිප්‍රාය මුදුන්පත් වීමකි.

ආතතියෙන් මිදී සැහැල්ලු වෙමු


“ආතතියෙන් මිදී සැහැල්ලු වෙමු”ජීවිතයට සැහැල්ලුව හරිම අවශ්‍යයි. නමුත් අද බොහෝ දෙනෙකුට නැති වෙලා තියෙන්නෙත් ඒකම තමයි. මේ පොතේ තියෙන්නේ තමන්ට අවශ්‍ය සැහැල්ලු වීම ලබාගන්න පුළුවන් ප්‍රායෝගික ක්‍රම රැසක්. ඒ වගේම ඔබට ඔබ ගැනම දැනගන්නට, තමන්ටම ලියන්න පුළුවන් අභ්‍යාස ගණනාවක් තිබේ.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Continents And Countries

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Earth And Environment

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Science

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Human Body

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Animal Kingdom

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Green Kingdom

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Invention & Discoveries

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

New Encyclopedia Of Knowledge Universe

The set of new encyclopedia of knowledge spans all the subjects from human body, animals, to plant kingdom; from the oceans to the skies;from history, geography, to science; inventions, discoveries, earth and environment. Indeed a fact-packed treasure-chest of knowledge for your smart kid! This lucidly written, beautifully designed, colourfully illustrated set of books is a must-have for home and school libraries.

History Encyclopedia

What made humans the way they are today? How were civilisations formed and erased? What makes up history? Get answers to all the questions and more in this history encyclopedia. Go back in time and learn all about human history, right from the time man began his journey in stone caves. Relive epic battles, learn about the rise and fall of great empires and a lot more.

Children’s Illustrated Encylopedia

Children’s illustrated encyclopedia is a visual kaleidoscope of a diverse range of subjects that the curious and sharp child is always keen to learn about. It contains the mysteries of space and Science, The wonders of our vast world, and the complexities of the human body. It also deals with the histories of amazing ancient civilisations, as well as arts and cultures- in a nutshell, it contains all that would satisfy the young mind. A must-have for the personal library!.

Basic technology of wood science volume-01


This book consists of 15 chapters. The structure and characteristics of wood, log conversion, timber preservation, timber drying are described in the first seven chapters. chapter 8 is mainly written to impart knowledge in hand tools required for basic wood training. Basic wood joints required to make solid wood furniture production are included in Chapter 9. chapter 10-14 provide the information in Some basic introduction in relation to surface preparation of furniture for polishing is included in Chapter 15.

Oxford Mini Dictionary (Indian Edition)

The seventh edition of the oxford english mini dictionary belongs to the family of dictionaries based on the oxford dictionary of english (ODE). it aims to provide wide-ranging, up-to-date, and compact coverage of the core vocabulary of current english in a highly portable format.
Definations are written in a clear and accessible style using straightforward language, with the most common meanings of words placed first in individual entries. A fresh, open layout and design makes the dictionary especially easy to use. special notes throughout the text give extra help and guidance on difficult spellings, on words that are easily confused with each other, and on tricky points of usage. pronunciations are given for words which might cause problems, using a simple respelling system.

The Old Man And The Sea


He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the First forty days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him.

Oxford Beginner’s French Dictionary ( South Asia Edition)

Each Oxford Beginner’s Bilingual Dictionary is designed to offer English speaking adult learners a comprehensive, straightforward introduction to foreign languages, covering all the vocabulary needed for the first years of study, along with notes on grammar and usage and guidance on the culture where the language is spoken.
These easy-to-use references break from standard dictionary design. Clear entries with examples showing how the language works in context make it quick and simple to find the translation you’re looking for, and the bold, color layout makes the dictionary easy to navigate, allowing you to get to grips with the language fast. All main translations are preceded by an equals sign so that they are instantly identifiable, and all parts of the entry are spelled out in full, avoiding confusing jargon and abbreviations. Grammar and usage notes throughout the text warn of possible translation pitfalls, and thousands of example phrases show how the language is used in real life.
At the center of each dictionary is a section devoted to useful information on the country, countries, or regions where the language is spoken. This includes background on lifestyles and culture, tips on etiquette and interaction, and a phrasefinder that provides handy phrases for use when traveling abroad. The dictionary also includes a section on core vocabulary–all the words you absolutely must know at a beginner’s level, whether you are a student, traveller, or business person.
The Oxford Beginner’s Bilingual Dictionary is the perfect tool for adult language learners who need basic vocabulary at their fingertips fast.

Oxford Student Atlas for Sri Lanka

  • Oxford Student Atlas for Sri Lanka

School Essays Comprehension & Letters For Juniors

About the Book: School Essays, Comprehension and Letters for Juniors Essays and letters form an integral part of learning any language. They have the potential to reveal the abilities of the students to reason, analyse, create, synthesise and evaluate. This book provides essays on a wide range of topics and it is primarily meant for junior school students and teachers. Each essay is followed by comprehension questions. Under a selective approach, all important, interesting and familiar topics have been chosen, covering a wide range of subjects. Some useful formal and informal letters have been provided in the book which will help the students to write better.

Up To Date School Essays Letters Applications Paragraphs & Stories

About the Book: Up-To-Date School Essays, Letters, Applications, Paragraphs and Stories (Revised 72th Edition ) Best Seller Title (Over 2 Million Copies Sold) Writing is an essential skill which plays an important role in a childs life. This book titled ‘Up-to-Date School Essays, Letters, Applications, Paragraphs and Stories” is a perfect package for developing the skills of expression in students. It is primarily meant for secondary and higher secondary students and teachers. Great care has been taken to include all important, interesting, familiar and current topics, under a selective approach. The book aims to help the children put their thoughts into words and to develop their.

Junior’s Handbook of Essays, Letters, Paragraphs and Precis Writing

About the Book: Juniors Handbook of Essays, Letters, Paragraphs and Precis Writing Writing helps to communicate thoughts and it is an integral part of every childs school education. Writing effective essays, letters, paragraphs and precis is a skill which must be inculcated in the students by reinforcing their understanding of the basics of English language. This book has been prepared to help students to develop their ability to structure their thoughts and ideas logically, and enhance their writing abilities. The wide variety of topics covered in the book will enable the students to become confident writers and pen down their thought more effectively and efficiently.

School Essays Paragraphs Letters Comprehension Telegrams & Advertisements ( For Secondary Classes)

About the Book: School Essays, Paragraphs, Letters, Comprehension, Telegrams and Advertisements (For Secondary Classes) This book provides samples of different genres like Essays, Paragraphs, Letters, Comprehension, Telegrams and Advertisements and encompasses a wide range of composition writing and comprehension skills. It provides a wide source of themes ranging from a delineation of age-old problems to a discussion of contemporary issues. There are variegated themes to motivate the learner to use English for purposes of communication and expression. A conscious effort has” been made to provide interesting reading material-themes have been selected which would provide interest to students of ICSE, CBSE and general students as it aims at facilitating extra

School Essays,Letters,Comprehension,Precis and Paragraphs

About the Book: School Essays, Letters, Comprehension, Precis and Paragraphs Writing is an indispensable skill which is important in all aspects of life. Goodwills ‘School Essays, Letters, Comprehension, Precis and Paragraphs is a valuable guide for the students to build a strong foundation for developing their writing skills. This book has been prepared to help students to develop their ability to structure their writing and enhance their writing abilities. The wide variety of topics covered in the book will enable the students to become confident writers and pen down their thought more effectively and efficiently.

School Essays,Paragraphs,Letters,Comprehension and Stories (For Primary Classes)

This Book encompasses a wide range of essays, paragraphs,stories, letters and comprehension and is meant for students studying at primary level. There are variegated themes to motivate the learner to use english for purpose of communication and expression. A conscious effort has been made to provide interesting extra reading material. The book aims at facilitaling extra reading, for students of all standards are expected to read beyond the prescribed text books.
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